There are many factors when you want to grow your online business. You have to maintain your current customer base and you have to acquire new customers. It doesn’t stop there, to get the most out of your customers you also have to increase the average order value and get a higher order frequency.
To achieve this we need to start understanding your webshop’s statistics and make sure you have a healthy webshop to begin with.
Wooping Shop Health is the first step in getting an insight into how healthy your webshop is. We scan your settings, products and content and give you advice on how to solve your webshop’s issues.
- Product Validation (17)
- Setting Validation (9)
Recently added documentation
High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage) optimizes how WooCommerce stores order data. Unlike traditional methods, it stores orders in a custom database table, separating them from posts. If your store processes a high volume of orders, enabling HPOS can significantly boost performance. It reduces database load, improves order lookup speed, and enhances scalability. This is the reason […]
Product variations
Product variations can be tricky, and depending on your product settings, different data is needed per variation. Wooping Shophealth scans all product variations on required data. If the variations are not setup correctly, the product variation will not appear on the overview and product pages. Tip: you can also use product variations for upselling the […]
Product Meta
Search engines love meta descriptions and meta data. It tells them more about your product / page / shop etc. The more (useful) data you provide, the better search engines can index your content. It will also be used in search results so make sure to add ‘human-readable’ text. When a proper meta-description is given, the […]
Terms and conditions
Your webshop handles orders, therefore you need a Terms and Conditions page. In your Terms and conditions you explain how you handle services and how your users can communicate with your company.
Shop Page
The Shop Page is the page on your webshop where you can find your products archive. You can however have multiple shop pages and even set the shop page dynamically.