Product Meta
Search engines love meta descriptions and meta data. It tells them more about your product / page / shop etc. The more (useful) data you provide, the better search engines can index your content. It will also be used in search results so make sure to add ‘human-readable’ text. When a proper meta-description is given, the…
Terms and conditions
Your webshop handles orders, therefore you need a Terms and Conditions page. In your Terms and conditions you explain how you handle services and how your users can communicate with your company.
Shop Page
The Shop Page is the page on your webshop where you can find your products archive. You can however have multiple shop pages and even set the shop page dynamically.
Privacy Policy
Every webshop processes data, therefore you will need a Privacy Policy. In the privacy policy you explain the terms and conditions on how you process the customers data and guarantee their privacy.
My Account
If your webshop supports account creation, you can set the url to the AccountPage so WooCommerce can direct logged in users to their account page, used for redirection after logging in or changing the account-settings. To achieve more sales per customer, we highly recommend to offer account creation on your webshop. Your goal is to…
Checkout page
Whether you keep the default checkout-page or go for a customized one-page checkout that meets your needs, you will need some kind of Checkout page in order to make a sale.WooCommerce needs to know what page on your webshop is the checkout page.
Cart page
By default WooCommerce uses the cart page as a first step in the checkout process. Here you can change the quantity of items in your cart. Also, this is the ideal page for Cross or Up-sells. Make sure to tell WooCommerce what page you use as your Cart-page.
Base location
Setting your base location is necessary if you want to use the tax calculation and shipping calculation in your webshop.
Downloadable products
Digital downloads make great products, often it means no extra costs, so the profit on the sale is 100%. If your shop uses downloadable products we scan these products for all the required settings, making sure you can make the sale.
Sale Prices
Customers love sales, however, if you persuade loyal/returning customers, you make sure the sale is legit. So it should be significant. Wooping Shophealth scans your sale prices and will notify you if a sale price is invalid (higher or the same as the regular price). To get the most out of your sales, you can monitor…