Downloadable or virtual products on WooCommerce refer to digital goods such as eBooks, software, music, or courses that customers can purchase and download immediately after payment. Unlike physical products, downloadable items do not require shipping, making them convenient for both the seller and the buyer. The profit on the sale is often 100%. If your shop uses downloadable products we scan these products to make sure they are set up correctly and the customer can download their files after purchase.
Are you getting this error on a non-downloadable product?
Then there might be something wrong with your products’ setting and fixing it will involve logging into WooCommerce, navigating to the product that gave the error and checking near the Product Data section wether or not your product is marked as “downloadable” in the dropdown field.
It’s crucial for shop owners to set up downloadable products correctly because improper configuration can lead to customer frustration, failed downloads, or even unauthorized access. Ensuring the correct settings guarantees a smooth purchasing experience, with customers receiving their files immediately and securely. This also minimizes customer service inquiries related to access issues and maintains the integrity of the shop’s content. A well-organized downloadable product setup helps protect intellectual property while delivering a seamless customer experience, which fosters trust and increases repeat sales.
How to add downloads to a WooCommerce Product
To set up a downloadable product in WooCommerce, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and either create a new product or edit an existing one. In the Product Data section, select Simple Product and check the Downloadable box. A new section will appear, allowing you to upload the file(s) for download, specify the file name, and set download limits or expiration dates if necessary. You can also configure whether customers need to log in to access the download. Once you’ve uploaded the file and configured the settings, save or update the product to make it available for purchase and download.

Downloadable versus Virtual products in WooCommerce
In WooCommerce, both virtual and downloadable products are types of non-physical goods, but they serve different purposes. Virtual products are intangible items like services, memberships, or consultations that don’t require shipping or delivery of a physical item, but adding a downloadable file to a product might be part of something physical that needs shipping, such as PDF manuals for electronics. So if your file is also a virtual product, please note that you need to also mark “Virtual” to prevent the product from calculating a shipping fee.

Need a quick overview of the downloadable products without downloads?
Install the free Shop Health plugin and instantly see where you can increase your overall order value by offering premium alternatives to your customers!