• My Account

    If your webshop supports account creation, you can set the url to the AccountPage so WooCommerce can direct logged in users to their account page, used for redirection after logging in or changing the account-settings. To achieve more sales per customer, we highly recommend to offer account creation on your webshop. Your goal is to…

  • Checkout page

    Whether you keep the default checkout-page or go for a customized one-page checkout that meets your needs, you will need some kind of Checkout page in order to make a sale.WooCommerce needs to know what page on your webshop is the checkout page.

  • Cart page

    By default WooCommerce uses the cart page as a first step in the checkout process. Here you can change the quantity of items in your cart. Also, this is the ideal page for Cross or Up-sells. Make sure to tell WooCommerce what page you use as your Cart-page. 

  • Base location

    Setting your base location is necessary if you want to use the tax calculation and shipping calculation in your webshop. 

  • Downloadable products

    Downloadable or virtual products on WooCommerce refer to digital goods such as eBooks, software, music, or courses that customers can purchase and download immediately after payment. Unlike physical products, downloadable items do not require shipping, making them convenient for both the seller and the buyer. The profit on the sale is often 100%. If your…

  • Sale Prices

    If you’re getting a notice that the sale price of a product isn’t set correctly, the sale price often is higher then the original. Sales can run for a limited time or on a permanent basis, enabling store owners to drive customer interest and increase sales volume. By setting sale prices, shop owners can create…

  • Upsells

    If you are getting notices that Upsells aren’t set on a product, that means you have an opportunity to increase your overall order value. Jargon explained: Upsells Not to be confused with cross-sells, upsells in WooCommerce refer to encouraging customers to purchase a more expensive or premium version of the product they are viewing or…

  • Product Tags

    If you are getting notices that a products tags aren’t set, that means you have an opportunity to increase that products visibility in- and outside of your store! Jargon explained: Tags Tagging a product in WooCommerce involves adding relevant keywords or phrases to help categorize and describe the product, making it easier for customers to…

  • Stock

    You can’t sell a product that is not in stock, so just to make life more easy for you, we’ve included an ‘Has Stock validator’. The notification will automatically disappear when new stock is added. If you’ve already taken action, you can click ignore, you will get notified if the product goes out of stock…

  • Stock keeping unit (SKU)

    SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) are crucial in WooCommerce for effectively managing and tracking inventory, as they assign a unique identifier to each product. This identifier helps store owners organize products, making it easier to monitor stock levels, track sales, and differentiate between variations, such as size or color. By implementing SKUs, shop owners can streamline…